Innovated and Made in America
Innovated and Made in America

"Specializing in Research of Micro Computerization of Weapon Systems, Counter UAS, Energy Auditing and Space Based Systems."
| HUBZONE | ITAR | ATF 07/08 | DD2345 | FAA UAS-RPC PT. 107 |
NAICS Codes: 541330, 541340, 541715


Supported by the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST)
Next Gen W.A.V.E. Heat-Sinks
The Next Gen Wide Area Vectored Exchange (W.A.V.E.) Heat-Sink product line consist of the most advanced and most efficient 3D Manufactured Copper Heat-sinks in the world. The W.A.V.E. product line features the highest “Surface Area Heat-sink Design” in the world to aid in keeping electronics cool and operational for extreme performance. Additionally, “Turbulent Air Flow Design Technology” in the product line promotes turbulent air flow for further cooling applications. Next Gen W.A.V.E. heat sinks are custom Additive Manufactured/ 3D Printed out of pure Copper to retain thermal conductivity of 385 W/m K. No program is “too big” or “too small” for this product line. Research of design funded by the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST) for 2020 and 2021.

Research Partner
W. Wide A. Area V. Vectored E. Exchange (WAVE) Technology: Utilizing breakthrough(s) in additive metal 3D printing in Copper composites, Casey Corp Defense has synthesized a geometrical pattern which obtains nearly 50% more surface area than similar passive heatsinks in the same SWAP-C. Utilizing Copper composites enables the W.A.V.E heat-sink to reach Thermal conductivity of 385 W/m K. Utilizing 3D additive manufacturing methodology, geometrical patterns found in nature, such as the Oceanic wave, can provide 44.56% longer horizontal cooling, 45.94% longer vertical cooling and 49.72% more surface area for heat exchange.
Turbulent Air Flow Design Technology: The "Next Gen W.A.V.E. Heat-Sink" utilizes an advanced 3D geometric wave, a wave that has a designed curved profile on the x-axis, the y-axis, and z-axis; to promote turbulent air flow for cooling applications. This has been proven across several leading studies to dramatically increase heatsinks cooling capabilities [1], [2], [3].
U.S. Patent Pending Heatsink Design